Sunday, June 11, 2006

Welcome to the new Dover "Then and Now" Blog !

Well, after a couple of years if editing I have recently moved a lot of my "Then and Now" pictures of Dover over to a new Flickr site (

LIfe started on the Planet Thanet when I explored the various tunnels in and around Ramsgate mainly (see new Blog Interests soon stretched across Kent when we joined the "Kent Underground Research Group" in 1990 where we attended sites all over the county and annual NAMHO conferences all over the county ( I later became KURG treasurer and Webmaster for a number of years.

When I started work in Dover my interests in the Western Heights fortifications grew, a site first visited a number of years before. Just as I was about to leave that job, I bumped into the author Western Heights Today ( and a couple of years later became the Treasurer and Webmaster of the Western Heights Preservation Society ( where after a couple of years, we now open the Drop Redoubt on an annual basis. I also became Webmaster for the Friends of Dover Castle ( for a couple of years too.

I soon found that there were many links between the history of the Heights and the Castle, which lead me to being more involved in the town's history and that led to the creation of Dover Then and Now, and to being a regular contributor of the Dover Forum (

It is from there that I now start this Blog of the events and history of the town whenever time allows me. I hope you enjoy it....


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